Exhibition : E X T E N S I O N @ GAF
Performance for E m e r g e D @ E X T E N S I O N, Glasgow Art Fair 15th - 18th April 2004
E m e r g e D used [extension] as a hub to profile their approach to commissioning contemporary artists working in a site/context responsive manner.
Five commissioned artists developed either process or performance based art works throughout for the duration of the Art Fair, promoting on and off-site projects throughout the city of Glasgow. The main aim of [extension] was to generate interest in this particular way of working and to introduce new and diverse audiences to contemporary artistic practice within the Glasgow Art Fair and beyond in the city itself.

'I can see the world through the stars…'
GIBSON spent the four days of the art fair talking to the visitors to the pavilion, and making intricate Origami stars from the tourist map of Glasgow. As people’s stories became unraveled during their conversation with GIBSON, the stars would encapsualte the intangible nature of what it is to experience the city. The visitor was then given their star to take away with them, holding in the palm of their hand a small piece of their own history, wrapped in the city of Glasgow.

For more images and information see emerged.net
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